About Us

Stephen Cohrs’ currency is watts. Like a deaf Beethoven, he goes by magic box schematics, seeing the parts on paper, and hearing the sound in his mind.
What sets him apart from corporate brands is his willingness – or maybe delight – to work with musicians to find exactly what they really want. “In a store, a sales guy tells you what you should buy. I take your particulars and modify my design to suit your desires and playing style, something you normally don’t get when you buy a piece of equipment. People want to know their needs are being considered. I incorporate set tones like a recipe. The ingredients are the components, and if you don’t use good quality components, don’t expect good quality sound and long life out of it.”
Stephen uses old-school manufacturing techniques, based on a lifetime of opening well-made radios and amplifiers. “From examinations, I learned what works and what doesn’t, so this is about personalized service, quality components, handmade for the musician. With custom covered cabinets, the sky is the limit because I do it all myself. It becomes a personal item. What we have here is a legacy product, something you can hand down to your grandchildren.”